The water roller is for 1 person. Users should not get on the product with any CUTTING, PIERCING or HARD object. The operator is obliged to remind and warn the driver not to enter the waterways with shoes. (The rider must take off his shoes or wear riding-appropriate covers when entering the ball.) The user(driver) who will get into the roles; Rings, earrings, necklaces, watches, hair clips, dresses, bracelets, shoes with hard and piercing accessories on them, etc. the substances must be removed and checked before entering the inflatable toy. The air of the water rollers must be checked daily The operator must always be alert to notice anomalies and adverse conditions in the product. The operator(technician) should constantly check the product, if any malfunction occurs, he should definitely not use the water rollers until the intervention of the technical team.


The air of the waterways must be checked daily. Polyemid wheels located under the turntable should be checked. (15 Days) If there is wear on the polyemid wheels under the swivel, it should be replaced. (3 Months) The bolts on the right and left hoops holding the swelling in the swivel should be checked. (Monthly) The right and left circles holding the swelling in the rotation should be checked. (15 days) The wear of the 6 wheels fixing the right and left circle holding the swelling on the turn should be checked. (15 Days) If there is wear on the 6 wheels that fix the right and left circle that holds the swelling on the turn, it should be replaced. (3 Months) Internal cleaning of the swelling in the turn (3 days) Change of rotational swelling (1 Year) It should be checked that the swivel swelling does not slip out of place and whether there is rubbing on the edges. (Every day)


The rider must follow the operator‘s instructions. The driver (rider) should not have any hard or sharp objects at the time of driving and should avoid puncturing the product. (knife, scissors, key, etc.) Those with high blood pressure, heart disease or visible alcohol effects cannot ride. The rider must get on or get off from the specified place in the inflatable toy. During the ride, the rider and the Operator must make sure that they are fully following the boarding rules. Our company will not be responsible for damages and accidents caused by non-instructed use in any way.

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